Setting Up Your Account at - 2

Setting Up Your Account at - 2
Server Details

The first line under Server Details asks for your FTP server. Because the name of our sample site is, the name of our FTP server will probably be or If you are not sure about yours, ask your hosting company. Also the protocol you will be using is FTP.

FTP server is
Protocol is

Most web hosts will create a special folder for you to put all the files for your website. This folder is called the "web accessible" folder and is usually named html, public_html, www or htdocs. If you are not sure of the name of your web accessible folder, ask your web host. As stated above, we have decided to place the files for your blog in the subdirectory folder called "blog". Therefore, the FTP path is the combination of the web accessible folder and your subdirectory folder. Don't forget to use the / after the name of the subdirectory.

FTP path is html/blog/
When you created your website, the name you gave your homepage was index.html. (If this is not the case for your web host, then use the name they instructed.) This is because the server is programmed to treat the index.html page as the first page of your website. So, let's do that for your blog as well. We will name the blog filename index.html.

Blog filename isindex.html

The Blog URL is the web address that your readers will use in their web browsers to read your blog. Because the blog is a part of your website, the first part of the URL will be and this will be followed by the name of the subdirectory folder. The combination will be Don't forget to put the https:// in front

Blog URL is

Fill out the Word Verification box and click Continue to go to step 3.

Step 3. Choose a template

Now, it is time to choose a template for your blog. We will start with the most generic template, called Minima, so that we can all work together as much as possible. Don't worry too much about what it looks like now because you can replace it with another later. For now, just browse through the template list, choose the Minima template and click the Continue button. At the bottom of the confirmation message, click Start Posting.

Step 4. FTP username and password

We are not going to post to your blog in this tutorial. But we do want to tell Blogger what username and password to use when it publishes your index.html page for your blog. You should see four tabs at the top of the page. Click on the Settings tab and then click on Publishing. Fill in the FTP username and password for your web hosting account. This will be the same username and password you use to upload files to your website. Click Save Settings. After the page reloads, click on the Republish button. When you see the Your blog published successfully message, you are done. Go to your web host account and verify that Blogger has placed the index.html page inside your blog folder.

In the next tutorial, we will begin to build your blog.

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