Earth Friendly Thinking

Earth Friendly Thinking
Chief Dan George, First Nations, 1899-1981 spoke decades ago about his concerns for the condition of our planet. He famously asked, "Have I Left the Eagle to Soar in Freedom?" He worried that he would not earn his grandchild's fondness by leaving behind an unhealthy world. It seems the significance of his message grows even more relevant as time goes on. Mother Earth shows signs of neglect and abuse beyond repair as the precious gifts we call natural resources are being depleted by the minute. We all know the story.

Many grandparents agree with the wise words of Chief Dan George deep within their hearts. There is much sadness in the way we have treated our sacred world. However, we can choose not to panic or feel powerless. We can learn that the only actual thing we have control over is the direction of our thoughts.

The Eagle is a Medicine Helper and we are highly blessed to have it appear often in our world. We stand still, in awe as it soars, hovers, and sometimes screeches. The thought of our grandchildren not being able to watch the eagle soar is heartbreaking. We can now choose to delete those thoughts of future dread and instead mend our broken hearts in the present by redirecting our thoughts to those of a healing nature.

Many of us are doing our share to help heal our Earth Mother and are trying to prevent further damage to our glorious habitat by recycling, choosing Earth friendly products and such. However, it seems that time is running out. As the natural repercussion of our carelessness is making global headlines on a daily basis, we are not helpless to stop it. Fear, greed, and the desire for power are depleting the Earth of her goodness.

Our inner world of thought is reflected in our outer world of environment and Native American teachings have always pointed towards the interconnectedness of all that is. For the sake of our grandchildren and great grandchildren let's choose to take action not only physically but mentally as well. The wise ancestors knew that human life and human consciousness are intrinsically one with the life of the planet.

The way we conduct ourselves as citizens of this planet has great bearing on the success, or failure, of those we leave behind. Let us strive to use this insight of ancient wisdom to realize that unless we change our inner reality, our outer reality will not transform.

Editor's Note:

Below is a link for your convenience if interested in further wisdom from Chief Dan George. I've purchased this for my own collection.

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