The Not So Average Wedding Day Tips to Consider

The Not So Average Wedding Day Tips to Consider
Overall, your wedding day will be spectacular from beginning to end; you've planned for months and it truly will be the most magical day of your life. With that said, there are things no one warns you about as you're preparing for the big day. These little bumps in the road are nothing that will derail your well laid plans, but to avoid any shock, her are a few things to keep in mind.

1. There will be some drama. You've heard it before that weddings bring out the best and the worst of people, and that couldn't be more true! Weddings are an emotional event and each participant handles the emotion differently. While the general consensus is a feeling of joy, there will be moments of stress and frustration along the way. Whether it's a bridesmaid forgetting her shoes, running behind schedule or familial dissent, it's important to never lose sight of what your wedding is really about. Above all else, this is a celebration of the love and commitment you share with your fiancé. When faced with the drama, take a deep breath, regroup and continue to push forward.

2. Prepare yourself for sheer exhaustion. Your wedding day is a nonstop adventure from the moment you wake up (which will most likely be very early) and it is filled with emotion and excitement all the way through. Pair this with months of preparation behind you, and you will inevitably be totally wiped out once you and your hubby call it a night. I'm convinced this is why grooms carry their brides over the threshold! All kidding aside, you will be exhausted but lucky for you, blissful recuperation in the form of a honeymoon awaits you.

3. You won't be able to socialize with everyone. One downfall of being the center of attention at your wedding is being pulled in a million directions while also trying to savor every moment of your special day. While it's important to make your rounds at the reception to greet and thank your guests for celebrating with you, remember that you won't be able to intimately socialize with everyone.

4. You will be starving by the end of the night. Despite having planned a delicious dinner for your guests, your dining experience might be rushed or interrupted by family and friends. Be sure to get some sustenance to keep you energized for dancing the night away, but if you don't get enough, ask your caterer to package a doggie bag to enjoy in peace at the end of the night.

5. Using the restroom is a challenge. Depending on the design of your wedding dress, the challenge of using the restroom will range from simply awkward to "I'll just hold it!" Try to use the facilities as many times as possible (yes, one and two) before slipping into your gown. Additionally, be ready for company in the stall throughout the night! Assign a couple of trusted bridesmaids to hold and balance while you maneuver Spanx and petticoats to you do your business; try to laugh it off as a hysterical bridal rite of passage amongst friends.

6. Don't sweat the small stuff. It's difficult to expect anything less than perfection after you've put your heart and soul into planning your wedding, but there will inevitably be imperfections on your special day. Luckily, only you and possibly your fiancé will notice these slight shortcomings, and only because you've spent months analyzing every detail. Trust me, your guests will not miss the tiny crystals on the guest tables that the rental company forgot to deliver and artistically scatter. As long as your guests can eat, drink and be merry celebrating with you, they will not notice a thing out of place, so don't sweat it!

7. Be prepared for some sore cheeks. Now, this is a rather silly and exaggerated "warning" but still be prepared for a major jaw workout. Honestly, you will never have smiled so much in your entire life! Yes, even more than your first trip to Disneyland! From hundreds of photos to chattering with your guests, and just plain old happiness, your smile will not stray from your face the entire day. Fair warning!

As you can see, there are a few minor surprises to look out for on your wedding day, but nothing to get your petticoat in a twist over. Whatever might arise, remember you've planned for it and more importantly, you're marrying your best friend and nothing can take that away!

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