New Administration Reading

New Administration Reading
This has very possibly been one of the most controversial elections in the history of the United States. It would seem that there was a very substantial dividing line between the voters as far as the candidates were concerned.

Since it is my thought that everything happens for a reason, I decided to do a Tarot reading on the coming year with our new administration. I used the Osho Zen Tarot deck. I find this deck to be a very good choice when asking questions regarding global or universal issues. I used the Celtic Cross spread.

The card in the middle position regarding the issue at hand is the Queen of Water, which is also represented as Receptivity. I find this quite interesting since one candidate was a woman.

Receptivity, in this instance, is all about using the feminine qualities of sensitivity, intuition and compassion. It is also about listening and really hearing what is being said. I am feeling that perhaps these are the qualities Hillary would have brought into the presidency.

The card crossing the center one represents the opposition. This card is the Three of Fire, which represents Experiencing.

Experiencing, in this instance represents being in touch with oneself and with everything surrounding you. It is the connectedness we all share with one another and every other living thing.

Perhaps we are being asked to make our own decisions at this time. Maybe we have been dormant and lazy as far as actually paying attention to what is happening in our own country as well as to the world around us. This election did wake us up and make us pay attention. We are being asked to make our own choices, listen to our own hearts, and abide by our own convictions.

The card in the past position is the Page of Water, representing Understanding. The old administration brought us valuable lessons as far as world culture, climate change, and communication. In essence, it opened a doorway to a higher consciousness. These are lessons we must remember and embrace.

The card in the present position is Major Arcana XIX, representing Innocence. I think perhaps this card is telling us to look at what really is important in all of this confusion. If we look through the eyes of a child.. we will understand that family, friends, comfort, warmth and most of all love are the things we crave the most. Whatever happens on a global level affects us all.. but we can choose love whenever we remember we have that choice.

The card is the near future position is the King of Rainbows, representing Abundance. I find this to be fascinating card as far as it's interpretation.

The King of Rainbows is about masculine energy. It is about taking care of business, getting things done, and making things happen. It is a no nonsense card of action. But, it also speaks of realizing the consequences of one's actions. I feel that this card indicates a time of cleaning up the mess while at the same time keeping the peace.

The card is the far future position is Major Arcana III, representing Creativity. I feel this card is saying that we will see some new and quite unique ways of handling world situations. We are steeped in the traditional and politically correct ways of action. However, the old tried and true solutions may not always be the answer in a rapidly changing world.

The card in the self position .. which I will interpret as the American perspective is the Knight of Clouds, representing Fighting.

America has pretty much always been one of the world's superpowers. And, as a superpower, it is often necessary to step in to situations that are violent, angry and vengeful in nature. War may not be the answer, but it happens. The best we can hope for is that we as a nation act in defense and not offense.

The card in the position of how the rest of the world sees us is the Five of Water, representing Clinging to the Past.

I guess this card is pretty self explanatory. In order to move forward, you have to make the most of the present and set goals for the future. Perhaps America is stuck in rut and needs to be be shaken awake.

The card in the position of change is the Ace of Rainbows, representing Maturity.

I think that maybe we are being presented with an administration which is rich in the ways of the world. Maturity presents itself in many forms. One can only hope that being in a world leadership position will bring out the best and not the worst in our newly elected President. Sometimes the man behind the mask is a lot more perceptive than one can possibly imagine.

The last card.. the potential outcome... is the Nine of Fire, representing Exhaustion.

I feel that this card says it all. Change is necessary and productive. But, too much change in a short time can be exhausting and counter productive. The message contained within this card is about going forward in a slow and steady manner rather than rushing forward blindly and making irreversible mistakes along the way.

All in all this isn't a bad reading. There are a lot of positive things that could come out of this new administration. So, let's buckle up... take a deep breath.. and get on with the show!

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