Christmas Miracles Today

Christmas Miracles Today
Every so often coffee table conversation can be heard, as to whether or not miracles exist. Are miracles illusions, something of the past or something people simply want to believe, this time of year?

I remember as a child, especially during Christmas time, gathering in the family room shortly after supper. Dad would go out into the cold for fire wood and kindling while mom twisted rolls of newspaper for the evening’s recounting of the baby Jesus story. Miracles, back then seemed to be something just out of reach, like a fairy tale and yet these days with everything so precarious, it seems more and more people are praying for miracles each day.

One evening I asked my mother why miracles don’t seem to happen as often as all of the bad things. Her reply went something like, "Miracles are things that use to be, they hardly happen anymore." To which I thought, why not?

I could feel the warmth rising to my face, and focused ever so intently on the speckled granite counter top. “So, they’re not real or what we have learned about them is what a bunch of politicians felt the public could handle about them. I mean how ironic, the bible is filled with how easily it is to screw up and spend an eternity in hell, but miracles..."

Oh how my mother wished she would have gone to bed early that night. At least it really got me thinking about some of the things I could recall that seemed like miracles to me.

Christmas weekend I went to visit my sister in the Northern winds of MI. Having never been there and dyslexic, I knew I had to start out early to avoid nightfall. I memorized the interstates and rest areas to check in with her, but there was a great deal of road work and detours. Each detour seemed to lead to another and another before realizing I had been traveling 2 hours too long. Not only did nightfall come but the thickest blanket of fog you could imagine. It was midnight before I conceded to sleep on the side of the road. The more I sat there, the more I decided to give it one more try. This time I asked for help getting me there safely.

Carefully, I turned the car around and began driving. 45 minutes passed, the clock was all there was to go by - nothing but trees and fog. At some point, as sure as you know you’re at the top of a rollercoaster going down, I heard or felt, really, “TURN HERE.” Understand the fog was thick enough to cut, nothing had changed. There was no road sign, just trees.

I turned, left with my eyes closed. I felt a drop and tree limbs whipping the windshield. After hitting the brakes, I inched forward, wondering if the entire path would just drop away and began feeling gravel under the tires. Perspiration aside, I felt relief, a real road intersected the path. I turned left again and headed toward the one light on the country road. I wanted to use their phone. My sister answered the door.

As to whether or not miracles exist today, not only today, but every day!


Clairvoyance Editor

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