Pet Psychic Terri Jay

Pet Psychic Terri Jay
I recently had an e-mail interview with Terri Jay, who is a pet psychic. Here are the questions I asked her along with her answers.

What qualifications are required to become a pet psychic?
You have to have no ego, no preconceived notions about how pets think, feel or act, just feel, get out of your own way, no stake in the outcome and be very spiritual. The no ego part is the most difficult.

When did you realize that you had this ability with birds?
All animals and birds are telepathic. They communicate with visual images, tastes, smells, feelings, emotions or pain. Once I began communicating with animals, it was the same thing to me to communicate with birds.

How many of your subjects are birds?
My practice has become so diverse and most of my work is crossing over readings and helping people to heal from serious health problems so while I still do a lot of pet communication, the other skills seem more in demand. I would say about 3% of my practice is birds - I even have a client in Australia who wants to communicate with her budgies on a regular basis. They are so interesting.

What kind of questions or problems do bird owners need answers to?
It's often feather pluckers or other health issues or behavior issues. Often the pet owner just wants to know if their birds are happy and healthy. If the bird has a known health problem such as cancer or something, the owner often wants to check in to see if the bird is in pain and if so, how much? It helps them to make a decision about euthanasia.

How do you get the answers � in pictures or words?
It's a combination of feelings, tastes, smells and visual images. I often joke that it's like doing the reading through a key hole in a fog.

How do you get to know the bird?
Love is the strongest energy in the Universe and it carries the highest vibration. I connect to my client over the phone with unconditional love. Once they start talking about their bird, I can FEEL the bird through them and then connect directly to the bird. If I offer unconditional love to the bird as I connect, they can feel it no matter where they are and then they are willing to communicate with me.

Have you ever asked a bird what their favourite food is � and if so, what answers do you get?
It's often one of the first things they tell me - "TELL MY PERSON MORE OF THIS!" It varies between species from grapes - peel them please - to bananas to cereal with milk AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE to whatever their favorite food is. I talked to one Cockateil that used to walk over to the cat food bowl and meow like a cat and eat the cat food, just to make the cat mad. I got all that from the bird without the owner saying a word.

Do birds miss the ability to fly if their wings are clipped?
I have never gotten that from any bird. They NEED to fly to find food and flee from predators so they're pretty happy not flying when they're safe and all their needs are being met. It's just not an issue.

Do you know what the bird is thinking & if so how do you know?
I would say that I know what the bird is feeling more than thinking. I just get it. It's from having no preconceived notions and not thinking myself. It flys (excuse the pun) into my head.

Do you ask questions of the bird � or just listen to what the bird has to say to you?
Both. Usually the human has questions and as the human is asking the question, the bird is sending me the answer. We are the only species that is born telepathic and forgets how to use it.

You can find more information about Terri Jay from her website at Terri Jay Psychic Messenger.

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