Communication With All Life - Review

Communication With All Life  -  Review
Book by Joan Ranquet

The idea of communication with animals is still foreign to many of us. The author Joan Ranquet starts her book with a good foundation about her love for animals as a child and about when she began to understand how to communicate first with people and then with animals.

The way Ranquet explains herself, she makes animal communication more believable for non-believers. She tells us that she had to learn how to communicate with animals - it is not something that she just knew.

The author divides the book into two sections - Revelations of an Animal Communicator and You as the Animal Communicator. I feel that the introduction could be another section as it is during the introduction that you get to know her as a person. Then it goes into her experiences as an animal communicator and finally into her helping to make each of us understand our own pets.

Ranquet indicates that we all have the ability and that we just have to learn how to use it, and she gives examples that do make a lot of sense.

Ranquet provides us with a lot of information to guide us in finding out if something is bothering our pets and the first thing is to clear our minds of what our thoughts on the matter might be. She does not say that she can help every pet, but she does find the reasons for the problems and refers the owner to the appropriate solutions, which might be training, medical help or somethng else. Sometimes the solutionis to just think positively!

One of the main things that Ranquet wants us to know is that our pet's actions are often caused by something that we are doing or are not doing or even something that we are thinking. This of course points us back to positive thinking.

Whether you believe in animal communication or not, but love animals, this book is worth reading. By following the advice given, there is a good possibility that you will be able to understand your pet and possibly make a difference in his or her life. You may even see yourself and/or your pet in one of the examples given.

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