A Girls' Circle

A Girls' Circle
We all have those unfinished projects lying around – the incomplete baby book, the photos that need placing in the photo album, the attic waiting to be cleaned out. Whether it’s time or motivation that’s holding you back from achievement, I have a solution to help.

I first heard of a Girl’s Circle (my name) several years ago from my cousin’s wife and was instantly intrigued. The Girls Circle brings together women on a monthly basis with the sole purpose of completing someone’s unfinished task.

The task at hand may be making final selections for a wedding album, painting the bedroom, or cleaning the backyard. Whatever the undertaking – women gather, help each other, and spend time amongst friends.

The first step in forming a Girl’s Circle is to identify seven to ten friends who are interested and available to meet on a monthly basis.

Next, come together for an initial meeting. Make it casual – girls’ night out, perhaps – and talk about the chores everyone needs assistance with. Decide if someone’s need is more pressing than the others and start there. If no one has a pressing need, decide at random how you will schedule the completion of jobs.

You monthly meetings may occur on a consistent day and time (for example, Sunday evenings) or they may vary depending on the need to be fulfilled.

At the meeting, the hostess, or person being helped, should provide snacks (drinks!), make sure all the necessary materials are present, and ensure that the project can be completed in one meeting. If the project needs more than one meeting, it should be divided beforehand into appropriate chunks of time, and the group should focus on just one chunk.

Additional things to consider include – the children. Will you be meeting at night when the children are asleep? Or, on the weekend when your spouse can be home with them? Or, will a couple of women in the group watch all the children while the rest of you dedicate your time and attention to the task?

You may also want to discuss whether there are any projects that are off limits, how many women you need at each gathering to ensure the functionality of the group, and for how long you intend to keep the group going.

A heavy object is easier to lift if there are several people to help move it. Likewise, a tedious or unfinished task is easier to tackle when you have a group of women willing to conquer it with you.

Consider forming a Girl’s Circle and watch how quickly you begin to get things done.

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