The Chastity Trend

The Chastity Trend
Chastity: The quality of being chaste or pure.
a. Not having experienced sexual intercourse; virginal.
b. Abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse.
c. Abstaining from all sexual intercourse; celibate.

This describes a revolutionary movement among many young people who are returning to the conviction that they should remain chaste until marriage. They are asking God’s help, petitioning his guidance in every dating relationship. They are recognizing that the social trend of being intimate before marriage, “trying it out” or “living together first to see if they get along,” is a lie from the enemy. Satan, the author of lies is dedicated to destroying lives and robbing families of the ultimate happiness that God has planned. These young people are saving the most intimate moment that a man and woman can experience until it can be shared with a husband or wife. They will wait for someone who will make a vow before God, family, and state, that they want to be legally, emotionally and spiritually bound together for the rest of their life. This is what God has ordained. He commands us to be chaste until we are married. Purity is the foundation for creating the best of relationships that a man and woman can hope for on this earth.
The marriage commitment is a reflection of the commitment between us and God. We can’t enter into a relationship with Him and enter our ultimate home, Heaven, unless we are pure – without sin. We know that this is a fallen world. Since the sin of Adam, no one has been without sin, so God, being all powerful and all merciful, made a way for us to enter Heaven through the work of Jesus Christ. By accepting His sacrifice for our impurity, we are given a new, sinless life to be lived in a close relationship with God.

The chastity trend is all very well for young men and women who are just beginning life. What about those who are past that point? – Those who did not understand God’s will? Many have already given away the gift that was meant for their future husband of wife. There is a way for them, because with Jesus, there is redemption.

If your heart is breaking at the realization that you have been tricked by the enemy, remember that God heals broken hearts and makes all things new. He is powerful and merciful. Take your broken heart to Him and pour it out. Ask for His forgiveness. Jesus gives a new life to those who ask Him. Take your new life and live it as God meant it to be, chaste and dedicated to His will for you.

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