
Today in History
We take a look at the events that occurred in the month of June

A. June 1 Events and Birthdays star
Marilyn Monroe was born Today in History...

Anne Boleyn Becomes Queen star
Anne Boleyn is probably the most controversial queen in history, and there are large gaps in our information about her life. We know that she was crowned Queen of England on June 1, 1533, but we do not know when she was born. How much do you know about her historical reign?

Drive In Theaters star
It was today in history that the first drive-in theater opened up in Camden, NJ in June 6, 1933.

Father´s Day star
This article is about the first Father´s Day celebration and how the holiday was made possible by women.

Founding of Alocoholics Anonymous (June 10, 1935) star
William Wilson seemed to have everything a man could want--an excellent military career, a wonderful business future, and a loving wife. But alcohol tore him from what he could have been and left him destitute. Finding Dr. Robert Smith, Wilson saved not only himself, but millions of others...

Frank Lloyd Wright Born June 8 star
Frank Lloyd Wright is known as one of the greatest US architects. He lived a full life until the age of 91 and was still producing great and memorable architectural works as well as teaching. He left quite a legend.

G. June 7 Events and Birthdays star
Prince´s birthday is Today in History...

George Carlin died June 22 star
After a mildly successful career, George Carlin decided to reinvent himself to appeal to a younger audience. He grew a beard and let his hair grow long, and focused his comedy on politics, religion, and drugs.

Gotti Sentenced, Batman Opens star
Today is June 23, 2010. On this day in history John Gotti was sentenced to life and Batman opened in theaters.

H. June 8 Events and Birthdays star
Muhammad died Today in History...

J. June 10 Events and Birthdays star
Alexander the Great died Today in History...

Jack Lemmon Dies June 27, 2001 star
Jack Lemmon played the role of the sweet guy struggling to get ahead. Despite a tremendously successful acting career, his personal life included alcholism and sadness.

John Hinckley Declared Not Guilty star
On June 20, 1982 John Hinckley was found not guilty of attempted assassination of President Reagan by reason on insanity. The country was outraged that justice was not served. Ironically, the country later paid experts to prove that Hinckley actually was insane so he could remain locked up.

Lizzie Borden Acquitted (June 20, 1893) star
Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother 40 whacks...or did she? She was acquitted on three counts of murder on June 20, 1893, but the legend of her murderess rampage that August 4th morning lives on... is it fact or is it fiction?

OJ Simpson Murder Arrest star
It was twenty years ago today that OJ Simpson was wanted in connection of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman

Roller Coasters star
It was today in history that the very first roller coaster opened in an amusement park. June 16, 1884 in Coney Island, New York.

Rosemary Clooney Dies June 29,2002 star
Rosemary Clooney was best known for her jazzy smooth voice. She appeared to have it all, until her public breakdown on stage leading to her resignation from show business.

Salem Witch Trials Begin (June 2, 1692) star
The infamous Salem Witch Trials began on June 2, 1692. Throughout the year, 25 men and women would be executed during one of the darkest times in America´s history.

Stanley Laurel Born June 16, 1890 star
Stanley Laurel was best known from the comic due Laurel and Hardy. Born in 1890, he grew his career in vaudeville acts and following the comedic icon Charles Chaplin. His personal life seemed less predictable with five marriages and one common law wife.

The Tunguska Event star
At approximately 7:15 on the morning of June 30, 1908, a large explosion devastated vegetation in a 2,150-square-kilometer area of the Tunguska River Basin. The blast was estimated to be between 10 and 15 megatons, yet no crater has been found. What caused this blast?

Zany June Holidays star
Ever wonder what to celebrate? How about National Pink Day? Or Dare Day? Or even Paul Bunyan Day! Don´t know when these holidays are? They´re all in the month of June--and there are plenty more...

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