Pregnancy and Constipation

Pregnancy and Constipation
The increased production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes the muscles of the intestine and makes the discomfort of constipation (hard and infrequent bowel movements) a fairly common experience for many women. Constipation has been linked to other pregnancy complaints, including nausea, poor digestion and back aches. It can also be a factor in toxemia and difficult births. The good news is that constipation can be eliminated (so to speak) as well as easily relieved.

What can you do to prevent constipation? Drink plenty of water, at least two quarts a day, but avoid caffeine, colas and fruit juices. They will do you more harm than good. The same goes for excess cheese, meat and other foods containing hard fats. Particularly avoid bacon and sausage. Also be sure to get plenty of fiber in your diet by replacing highly processed white flour products with whole grain breads and cereals and by eating an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables.

And, by all means, exercise. A vigorous walk or thirty minutes on a stationary bike or just dancing around the house to your favorite music will do you wonders. Swimming is another good exercise choice and some yoga type stretching can also help you relax.

When looking for relief from constipation, avoid using strong over-the-counter laxatives as well as herbal remedies such as senna, aloe and castor oil. They can be detrimental to the baby’s development and may also stimulate the onset of labor. Stewed prunes and prune juice are excellent natural alternatives and can be used on a daily basis with no side effects. Course oatmeal with added raisins and/or plain yogurt with fresh fruit are both good for you nutritionally and work as mild laxatives.

It’s a good idea to set aside an appropriate specific time each day to just sit down and have a bowel movement. But don’t ever push yourself. It can cause hemorrhoids. Just relax, breathe deeply and let nature take its course. If you have difficulty passing a stool, get up, take a walk, drink more water, eat a prune and try again later.

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Note: The information contained on this website is not intended to take the place of medical advice. Any attempt to diagnose or treat a condition should come under the direction of a qualified practitioner.

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