Summer colds

Summer colds
Summer is the time for outdoor fun but instead I have been stuck inside with a cold with the typical coughing, runny nose and sneezing. My first thought when the symptoms appeared was that it was allergies because how often do people get colds in the summer?

Apparently, summer colds occur more often than people realize. Thirty to fifty percent of colds are caused by rhinoviruses, which are most active in the spring, summer and early fall, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

From my personal experience, a summer cold is far worse than a winter one mostly because you are tormented by all the things you could be doing outdoors in the great weather. You may be missing out on a camping trip, your planned vacation or other outing. After all, you know summer won’t last forever, and you want to get in all the outdoor fun you can.

The symptoms for a summer cold are the same old ones you deal with during any other season: sneezing, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sore throat, cough, low-grade fever, headache and fatigue. In some cases, summer colds can last longer and be worse. The reason may be that folks have a hard time taking it easy during the season when they want to be on the go. Other possible reasons include re-circulated air which can dry out the protective lining of the nasal passages and make us more vulnerable to infection.

Cold or allergy?

Confused like me that your symptoms are being caused by a cold or allergies? The yellow mucus was the dead giveaway for me. Also, seasonal allergies don’t go away until pollen season is over while a cold usually resolves in seven to ten days.

How do you treat a summer cold?

It’s hard to accept but the best prescription is rest. Stay well hydrated with water and avoid dehydrating beverages like coffee and soda.

How to prevent summer colds

Use the same prevention strategies you use in any other season. That means washing your hands frequently, getting plenty of rest, staying well-hydrated, and eating lots of fruits and vegetables.

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