Working in Clothes Quarters

Working in Clothes Quarters
Ewwww, what's that smell? It's not something anyone stepped in. It's something someone is wearing. And they are wearing it next to you. Is it the heat that is making deodorant more necessary? Perhaps it's a shirt that, while worn in an air conditioned room all day, is part of a uniform that hasn't been washed in a few work shifts. And for those who do routinely wash their work clothes, perhaps their cleaners aren't performing all the tasks necessary to produce a clean, fresh, residue-free, Spring-smelling item.

Quite often workers who wear uniforms don't give the proper attention necessary to their clothing as compared to workers who wear a variety of clothing throughout their working schedule. Those who work in an office, bookstore and retail establishments tend to wear a variety of clothing and styles during a typical work week. People who wear uniforms, such as hospital workers in scrubs, restaurant servers in starched white button downs and slacks and even techs donning the white lab coat don't need to put as much consideration into what they will wear to work tomorrow. Often it's the same thing they wore during their last shift.

While this takes some stress and strain away from the routine of getting reading for work, no less effort should be made toward making sure you are wearing clothing that is free of dirt and odor. For many who work in the hotel business, their laundry services more than their clientele. They also provide pressed uniforms for the employees who need to look crisp while on the job. Sadly, this perk is not available to all working in the hospitality business.

Likewise, for those who get to switch up their attire but may have one go-to blazer they use strictly for the summer months, cleanliness remains important. Summertime office attire, much like uniforms, can't be recycled day to day. What you wore yesterday in 80 degree weather today most likely can't be worn again tomorrow...or later in the week. Either wash it before the next day, or let it air out (really well) and wear something different. This is especially important if you are wear a uniform to work. You're going to need to wash it more often during the summer months. And while a spin in the washing machine will remove dirt, it doesn't always eliminate certain odors.

People who work in deli's or restaurants know that their clothing often brings home the smell of their place of employment. Combine that with body odor and a drip from a Sarachi bottle and washing becomes obvious. While detergent and/or spot remover will eliminate food stains, it doesn't always eliminate that distinctive odor that comes with the job. This is where boosters like vinegar help in the cleaning process.

If you are unsure about your choice of attire and the lingering impression your presence might bring, ask a friend. Or give yourself the sniff test. Make sure you aren't offending those around you even though you may have done laundry just last night.

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