Systemic Candida

Systemic Candida
Candida Albicans and its mutant varieties are now becoming a leading disease issue and a threat to human life within the hospital setting. Once candida becomes systemic its management becomes very difficult and still many conventional doctors do not fully recognize the symptoms of candida systemic infection nor the consequences.

Candida is a fungal yeast flora that is found in many people's GI tracts. When antibiotics or steroids are used the immune system is repressed and the natural floras that keep candida albicans at reasonable levels in the gut are compromised. Many of these drugs kill off beneficial floras. Candida can over grow as well as mutate due to the influence of these drugs. When candida mutates it can become a dangerous pathogen that forms tenacious protrusions into the lining of the gut walls in a syndrome called Leaky Gut. This allows for the movement of candida and other pathogens and wastes from the digestive process to enter the blood stream and wreak havoc.

When candida enters the blood stream you now have a systemic candida infection. If the course of this infection continues as it can in immune system compromised individuals, you can have a candida sepsis which is life threatening. Most often in recent history that has been limited to people with severe immune diseases like HIV. Many AIDS patients have a significant battle with candida, causing rashes and dementia. Sometimes it's responsible for death. But with immune deficiency increasing in other segments of the population candida sepsis is becoming more common.

One of the leading symptoms of candida is fatigue. There may also be other symptoms like skin rashes or female infections. There can be significant GI disturbance with bloating, gas and pain. Diarrhea or constipation may occur and alternate. Some in the alternative health realms think that candida may be responsible for some cases of prostatitis. Men are known to be silent carriers of candida with no overt symptoms but they have been known to pass candida infection to their partners. Candida can be a sexually transferred disease from both male to female and female to male.

Treatment options are limited at this time in conventional medicine and mild systemic candida infection largely goes unrecognized. The first issue is to get a conventional doctor to recognize that you have a systemic candida fungal infection. This may be almost impossible to do.

Since many people carry candida in the intestines who do not have a systemic candida infection stool tests are meaningless. Candida is found in many stool samples of people who are not ill and misdiagnosis or under diagnosis of candida overgrowth is common. Many candida sufferers are forced into self-diagnosis and treatment because conventional doctors do not understand the disease nor know how to diagnose it.

Dark field live blood analysis easily shows candida fungus in the blood and it turns out that more and more people are having this problem. If you have candida fungus in the blood you must assume that you have leaky gut syndrome, for this is the way the candida gets into the blood. Since conventional medicine in the USA rarely acknowledges blood born candida most candida victims spend countless time and energy trying to figure out why they feel so bad. The immune system offers some protection but often systemic candida carriers with a lower pathogen count suffer a low grade infection that affects the quality of life long term. If the immune system becomes further compromised for whatever reason candida can become so significant that the quality of life declines dramatically and eventually the disease can become threatening.

Dark Field Microscopy can be found in the offices of Naturopathic Physicians. Before scheduling an appointment ask if the doctor uses this diagnostic tool.

Candida Sepsis Is Becoming More Common In Hospitals

Live Blood Analysis By Dark Field Microscope


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