Geranium Essential Oil, Not Just For Menopause

Geranium Essential Oil, Not Just For Menopause
Geranium is one of the oils we consider a go-to-oil when menopause comes to mind. Why? Because the use of geranium essential oil has been known to balance our hormones as women. When you take a closer look, you'll find that geranium essential oil does so much more.

Benefits of Geranium Oil

In aromatherapy, using geranium oil has been known to help reduce the feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness and fatigue. The sweet smell of geranium makes it an uplifting floral scent and has been used in soaps, creams and perfumes. The scent of geranium is also known to enhance concentration.

Cosmetically it’s known to promote the regeneration of new skin cells, diminish sagging skin, eliminate dead skin cells and tighten your skin in general. When used regularly in a facial oil serum, geranium can help with acne prone skin as well. On scars, blemishes, cuts, even stretch marks, geranium is known to help accelerate healing and fading.

Medicinally, geranium oil is known to work as an anti-inflammatory and anti-septic agent. It’s said to enhance circulation, reduce blood pressure and pain and boost your immune system. In wound care, geranium oils protect your skin against toxins and infections. This allows you body to boost its immune system from within as opposed to an external challenge.

Blending Geranium with basil, bergamot, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, lime, orang and rosemary makes it aromatically appealing to any environment.

Geranium Hydrosol

When oils are being distilled, the water/steam element, is taken and sold as hydrosols. It’s simply the scented steam water from the steel. These hydrosols make great skin care products.

Here's a recipe for you to try. Rose & Geranium Face Spritz

1/2 oz (15 ml) Rosehip hydrosol
1/2 oz (15 ml Geranium hydrosol

Makes this blend in a 1 oz (30 ml) glass spray bottle. Combine the hydrosols, tighten the top and you’re done. Use this when you want to calm down, cool down or simple take care of your skin using it as a toner.

Please note: this is not a recipe made with preservatives.. So a fresh batch will be needed every week. That's it for this week ...

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