Is It Easy To Create Warm Weather Scents?

Is It Easy To Create Warm Weather Scents?
As the weather warms up, you often find yourself wanting a lighter perfume to wear that won't attract so many bees and bugs. Unfortunately, that's one of the draw backs of wearing beautiful scent blends in warm weather. However, it doesn't change that fact that you like to smell, oh-so-good.

How To Create A Warm Weather Perfume Blend

Roll-On Perfume- There are actually several ways that you can create a blend for yourself. The most simple is to create what's known as a roller-ball perfume. You can use your favorite essential oils and create a synergy blend then top it off with a carrier oil. You can start with 6-15 drops total per 5 ml bottle. For the best results, use organic, unrefined Grapeseed oil as your carrier oil. It's a great all around oil and it's odorless. You can also blend your carrier oils. Blending Grapeseed oil and Jojoba oils is a good skin loving blend. So, when you apply your perfume to your skin, it won't irritate you where applied.

A fun blend might consist of 6 drops of Orange or Tangerine essential oils and 1-2 drops of Vanilla essential oil. Add these drops to your roll-on bottle and then add your carrier oil and gently shake to blend the oils.

Perfume Mist - You'll need a glass atomizer perfume spray bottle for this creation. You can get them at specialty stores or from Amazon. Add 10 drops of carrier oil, Grapeseed or Sweet Almond and 6-15 drops total of your essential oil blend into the glass atomizer. Give it a whirl and a shake to blend the two, then add Witch Hazel until the bottle is three-quarters full. Give it a whirl and shake again, then top it off with distilled water.

Traditional Perfume Blends can also be created for warm weather use. This method might alter the final scent blend but it's worth a try just for experimental purposes.

You'll add your carrier oil and perfume blend to a small atomizer bottle. Then you'll add 100-190 proof alcohol until the bottle is three-quarters full. Give it a whirl and shake well. Any brand of high proof Vodka will also work, especially if you're not a perfumer per se and just want to try a new recipe. For the purest in perfume blending, Everclear alcohol is best because it works well with pure essential oils and it's a grain alcohol.

Allow your blend to sit for 2 days, this will cure the oils. If you want a stronger aroma, leave it for up to 6 weeks, checking the smell every so often to make sure you like what's developing. Once you're happy with your blend add 15-20 drops of distilled water, Not Tap water.

You will shake your blend vigorously so that the components are fully mixed. You can use the same blend given earlier: 6 drops of Orange or Tangerine essential oils and 1-2 drops of Vanilla essential oil, only this time it will be your perfume mist instead of a roll-on.

Okay ...

Time to give it a try. Let us know in the Fragrance forum how you like this simple blend. If you've been brave enough to create your own synergistic blend, share that also.

That's it for this week.

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