Cleaning and a Teaching Moment

Cleaning and a Teaching Moment
It seems everything in life requires constant upkeep. Take a dishwasher for instance. Recently, I realized I’d neglected mine for far too long.
A cleaning moment

In my defense, a dishwasher runs on hot water and soap. Shouldn’t it be self-cleaning? I guess not. When I took a good look inside, I found gook (for lack of a better word) built up along the seal and a few other places at the bottom. When I got out a rag and cleaning fluid, I discovered what appeared to be rotted food. Yuk! Investigating further, I realized the filter needed some work also. The motor had been working, giving me a false sense of confidence, but the slow build-up of little bits of food had severely decreased cleansing effectiveness.

After some work with a brush and rags, and a couple vinegar rinses, I’m confident my dishwasher is now ready to clean my dishes without infecting me with harmful bacteria. I expect to see a world of difference in cleaning power.

A teaching moment.

It’s crazy how the mundane chores I perform (or neglect to perform) turn out to be God’s teaching tools. Here’s my takeaway from my recent cleaning event.

My introduction to Jesus, when I first believed, was a powerful life-changing experience. I repented and accepted his forgiveness. I was free from the penalty of sin. At the time, everything in life seemed shiny and brand new. This was like getting my brand-new dishwasher. I put in dirty dishes. They came out clean.

At first belief, I could have stopped, settled back, knowing I was saved. I could have returned to normal life.

If I had, the slow buildup would have begun. Small sins that seem so insignificant. But without upkeep, the power of my testimony would be steadily reduced. The clear shining light of Christ’s love would be clouded.

Do others see the power of Christ in me?

  • The daily reading of the Word is upkeep. Truth rooting out false worldly thinking.

  • Thankfulness is upkeep. Expressing my gratefulness for new life.

  • Regular prayer is upkeep. Remembering I need God’s guidance every day.

  • Keeping short accounts is upkeep. Asking the Holy Spirit to make me aware of hidden sins. Then, confession and repentance.

  • Praise is upkeep. Remembering God provides every good thing and expressing it openly.

Humor, Coffee, Friends, and a Murder

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