Can Essential Oils Work Magic in Your Life?

Can Essential Oils Work Magic in Your Life?
Essential oils and magic. The question is often asked, do essential oils work magic in your life? If you’ve ever used essential oil, you’ll often feel its magic is working in your space.

Why is that? For a lot of you, you use essential oils for infusing your space when you're working. You also will use it to create natural perfumes, shampoos and conditioners, as well as your body oils and body butters.

If you're like a lot of us who enjoy the aromatic essences of essential oils, you love sitting and just inhaling them. Why is this so? Could it be that there's a certain oil or oil blend speaking to you?

When you open a bottle and pass it under your nose, the oil is communicating it's aromatic essence to you. How do you feel when you open an oil or blend of oils? Are you relaxed, are you anxious, or are you energetic? These are all questions that have an answer just by sitting with certain oils.

For centuries essential oils have been used to aid with burns, cuts, bruises, protecting your environment and removing negative energies. Don't think so? Why do you think the priest smudges the church with frankincense?

Here's the thing about essential oils: the more you get to know them the more they speak to you. You will actually find that each essential oil that you work with, has its own voice, so to speak. In their voices you will pick up spiciness, from cinnamon and black pepper. Sweetness with orange and mandarin and calming and relaxing with lavender.

It's as if you're in constant communication with these oils because every time you inhale one or experience its aroma, something within you is awakened.

What Are Some of the Ways that Essential Oils Can Work Magic in Your Life?

Inhalation is at the top of the list. As I said earlier you can literally open up a bottle and wave it past your nose. Don't stick it up your nostril, lightly wave it past your nose and you will experience the beauty of any given oil.

Application. You can blend or mix essential oils with carrier oils for natural perfumes, massage/body oils, shampoos and conditioners as well as mist for your skin. These are all ways of using the oil via the application method and putting it on your person, so to speak.

Aromatic bath. When you add an essential oil or blend of oils to a bath salt or foaming bath balls, you take your experience to another level in working your magic.

The magic with essential oils comes with using them.If you don’t open a bottle, you’ll never experience the joy of what awaits you.

Make a list of your favorite essential oils. Then sit with them and see how they actually make you feel. Listen for the message that rises up within you. It could be a blend brewing or a single oil meditation or one to lift you up.

Can essential oils work magic in your life? Only you can answer that. Let us know in the fragrance forum about your experiences.

That’s it for this week.

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