Space Clearing

Space Clearing
Just as cleaning your house keeps the physical space looking and feeling nice to live in, space clearing makes the energetic space you live in feel clean and fresh. It is a good idea to space clear when:

- You have moved into a new home
- You have had an illness in the household
- There has been an argument
- You want to manifest new things into your life
- Any other time you feel the need for fresh energy in your life.

People are receptive to energy, even when they don’t consciously realise it. Have you ever gone into a building & said ‘It feels lovely in here’ or the opposite- walked in & wanted to walk right back out again? If so you’ve sensed the energy of the space. Space clearing helps you create that lovely energy that feels so good to walk into.

Many traditional cultures have used space clearing over the ages. Clearing with sacred herbs and resins is commonplace. The use of frankincense in churches, incense in temples, white sage in Native American ceremonies are all forms of space clearing. Sound is also a well-used technique. Firecrackers at Chinese New Year, temple bells and church bells all clear stuck energy.

Attend to the physical stuff first- if you space clear, but can’t be bothered to clean & have stacks of junk the energy will soon coagulate again.

If you could see energy you would notice it behaves a bit like dust & cobwebs- it tends to collect and stagnate in the corners. When you space clear give the corners extra attention. Many people can sense the energy once they tune into it. Stagnant energy tends to feel sticky or thick. It isn’t bad as such, it’s just unhealthy because it isn’t flowing. Different people feel energy differently, so go with your senses.

There are a few steps to space clearing a home successfully, whatever methods you choose.

1. Assess the state of the space now, get a sense of the energy.
2. Clear the stuck energy
3. Replace with positive vibes
4. Protect the space to keep the lovely stuff in & the rest out.

1. Your gut reaction will tell you if your space needs cleansing. Also listen to what friends say or do when they visit. Do they say ‘this feels nice’, seem relaxed & happy, or do they tense up? You can learn to sense energy with your hands. Give them a shake & then go round the rooms, especially close to the walls & corners & feel the space. Don’t worry if you feel nothing the space clearing will still work & subconsciously you are registering the atmosphere.
2. Use whatever means you like to get stuck energy moving. Drums, bells, gongs & rattles are all good sound tools. If you don’t have these you can clap through the energy to shift it. Listen carefully- the sound changes when the energy is right from dull to clear & crisp. You can go through the house with smudge sticks or solid incense- just take all necessary fire precautions so you don’t clear more than you bargained for! Opening the windows wide helps too.
3. Use gentle sounds, like delicate bells or chimes to replace the stagnant energy with sweetness. Spray an uplifting essence through the house. Bring fresh flowers in, whatever you sense will make the energy feel good for you.
4. Shield the space. You may use symbols that you have belief in. Pentacles, crosses or the Star of David for example are all very powerful protectors. Put one over the entrance with the intention of only allowing positive energies through. Intention is very important in any placement. You can also visualise the house surrounded by angels, or wrapped in a membrane of light. You can put animal guardians on patrol. After an unsettling experience with an intruder a while ago I visualised big cats on the prowl around my boundaries, it feels very safe here with them on guard.

If you want more in-depth information on space clearing I can wholeheartedly recommend two books, Karen Kingston’s ‘Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui’ and Denise Linn’s Sacred Space: Enhancing the Energy of Your Home and Office. They are both real experts in this field and have masses of insight into the way our homes reflect our lives.

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Spiritual Spring Cleaning
Clear Your Clutter!
Harmonise your Environment Using Feng Shui

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Content copyright © 2023 by Lauren D´Silva. All rights reserved.
This content was written by Lauren D´Silva. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Deanna Leigh Joseph for details.