Interview with Twistii creator, Liz Havlin

Interview with Twistii creator, Liz Havlin
Liz Havlin is the creator of the Twistii, the simple tool that helps you to create a fast and simple updo. My full review of the Twistii is here.
Ms Havlin tells me about the creation of Twistii in this interview.

Lynne: Liz, the Twistii has such a unique design, where did the idea for it begin?

Liz Havlin: I came up with the idea for the Twistii (pronounced twist-tee) while traveling. My curling iron decided not to work and I was struggling with my hair, and having no style options for a very important business meeting. I stood there and almost cried in frustration at my inability to make my hairstyle reflect the professional image I needed.

I was searching in vain for some sort of hair accessory that would hold my hair. It is multi-length, layered, and shoulder length. A ponytail is not professional. A claw clip will never stay in and with only a few minutes in the morning to spare, I was at my wits end in the battle of the bad hair day.

Lynne: It is great to hear how one woman can develop a device to solve her own hair problem and then to see it turn into a saleable product. How long did the Twistii take to evolve?

Liz: I’ve been working on the idea for approximately 4 years. – 2 years for the working prototype and another 1 ½ years for a sellable sample. I just launched Twistii online about 90 days ago.

Lynne: What advice do you have for women who, like you, have an idea for a new product?

Liz: I’ve invented millions of things in my head and then done market research only to find them already invented. Don’t let that stop you! If your idea is better, more functional, cheaper to produce, simpler design of fills a different need, go for it.

One important note is that it is not going to happen overnight. It is crucial to come to market with finished product that will stand up to actual use.
Go to Ace Hardware and places like Home Depot to find materials and ideas. Get out a pair of scissors and cut shapes to see how they flex or can be molded. Don’t expect to have your first prototypes look like a finished product. Give yourself some creative breathing room and look at everything everywhere as a potential material or jumping off point.

If I could pass on one phrase to women and have it stick, it would be “Never Give Up!” success comes slowly, one step at a time. Everyday that you learn a little more, and have any sort of breakthrough or progress is a good day.

Lynne:Where can Twistii be found?

Liz: At the moment, Twistii is only available via salons because those were the distribution channels that I as an individual could procure. However, in Spring of 2007, Twistii will be available via the Home Shopping Network, and Hair By Summer 2007, the Twistii will be available at Claire’s, (A popular mall accessory store), Sally’s Beauty Supply and Ed Wyse Beauty Supply.

Update: Twistii is now available at
Twistii - The Up Do Tool

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