Spanish Video - Carlos and his dog Freaky.

Spanish Video - Carlos and his dog Freaky.
Yes, that is: Carlos y su perro Freaky.

Carlos starts saying some words in Spanglish! Well, that's not exactly Spanglish, but some sentences with both, words in English and Spanish. To watch it, click on the image you can find below. You can also read the transcript and some comments about expressions or vocabulary he is using on the video.

Ah! For any question, feel free to post it on the Spanish Language Forum. It will be a pleasure to explain any word or expression you don't understand.
"Carlos y su perro Freaky." Video
'Hello!' This is 'my' perro. 'My' perro, mi perro, hoy 'hospital'. Hola. Hoy estoy triste. A mi perro le han operado. Operar, es... coger... cortar carne y coser. Y está aquí -apunta con la cámara-, está malito, el pobre. Mira. Mira. Ven aquí, ven aquí. No quiere. No quiere. Está muy malo.

Este es mi gato. Mi gato Tulús. Este está bien. ¡Yo también estoy bien!

Yo hablo español. ¿Tú? ¿Hablas...? ¿Inglés? Yo no. Yo no hablo inglés.

Some comments...

  • Carlos says: "Hoy estoy triste". He is using the verb "estar", as this verb is used, among other uses, to express feelings. So, we could say: "Estoy contento" (I am happy), "Estás cansado" (You are tired) or "Estamos nerviosos" (We are nervous).

  • Look at this sentence: "A mi perro le han operado." We could also say, in Spanish "Mi perro ha sido operarado". This is a passive voice sentence, and it is not very common in Spanish. The verb "operar" is placed at the end of the sentence, and... what about "A mi perro" and "le"? Both work as Indirect Objects. In fact, "a mi perro" includes the personal "a". The reason why the Indirect Object is duplicated is, basically, to emphasize.

  • "está malito, el pobre". Carlos is using again the verb estar, to express state or condition (feelings, as said above). But what about "malito"? The expression is "estar malo", meaning "to be ill". "Malito" is the diminutive form for "malo" and it is used here to express tenderness.

  • "Este está bien." With "este", Carlos is refering to the cat, Tulús. Here, "este" is a demonstrative pronoun (this) and you can see it is very similar to the following word "está". But be careful, as "está" is a verb. It is the third person singular for the presente indicative of the verb "estar".

Lo más TV. Did you like this video? Did you find it useful? If so, visit Lo más TV. You'll find interesting, good quality videos in Spanish with Spanish / English captions and games to practice what you are learning and... maybe you could find me there too! :-)

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