Sand and SeaShell Tissue Box

Sand and SeaShell Tissue Box
When summer time arrives you and the family may be fortunate enough to be able to make it to the beach. Growing up only 2 hours from the jersey shore, my family and I rarely went to the beach. We weren’t travelers by any means. When we did though, collecting sea shells and playing on the sand were definitely on the to do list. When I observe children now, including my 5 year old, I see that not much has changed. Playing in the sand and finding sea shells are still top choices of what to do on the beach. I confess that our first trip to the beautiful Emerald Coast at Destin, FL just last year had impressed me so much that I brought home a water bottle filled with pristine white sand! Here's a fun craft to do with the kids post vacation when hearts long for the sand and sun and life turns back to normal.


Sea shells
White Glue
Tissue box
Twine or rope- cut about 4 times the length of the tissue box

Begin by smothering the panels of the tissue box with glue. Work with each of the side and top panels individually. Sprinkle sand on the glue until all areas of the tissue box are covered. Allow to dry completely before moving to the next step.

Glue sea shells on the tissue box along the side panels. Place them randomly yet equidistant from each other. Again, allow each shell to dry completely to ensure adhesion.

Once the side panels have been adorned with sea shells, use the twine / rope to tie around the two opposite corners of the tissue box. To do this, locate the center of the twine and place it on the lower right corner of the tissue box when looking at it from overhead. Working with both ends of the twine, with the twine anchored on that corner, wrap the twine down the front and right facing verticals panels and wrap under the lower left and upper right corners, underneath the tissue box. Bring the twine back up to the top panel at the upper left corner and tie a bow there.

Use one last special sea shell to cover the knot of your bow. Use glue to secure it.

Your finished product will look like a beach inspired gift box, all wrapped up with a bow. You may need to keep those tissues handy when you realize that vacation has come to an end.

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This content was written by Angelica Arroyo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Launa Stout for details.