Relationship Spread

Relationship Spread
Our lives are based on relationships. Unless you are living alone on a desert island, you are always going to be dealing with how other people influence your life. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of relationships is a very important part of being able to intuit a Tarot spread.

How we perceive our relationships is a two-fold process. There is the outer relationship which is based upon words, responses, body language, and social expectation. Then, there is the inner relationship which is based upon our inner voice. And, our inner voice isn't always in agreement with our outer voice. What we say and what we think is often radically different.

Since Tarot is an intuitive process which targets and responds to the subconscious mind, it can actually show you a much clearer picture of what your inner voice is telling you.

Keep in mind that this spread is NOT going to tell you how the other person is thinking or feeling. It is based entirely upon your thoughts and your feelings concerning the dynamics of your relationship with that person.

The Relationship Spread can be used for virtually any type of relationship, including family, friends, and even co-workers. It gives you a working snapshot of what you are truly thinking and feeling about the other person involved.

First, choose two Court cards to represent you and the person you are asking about. Allow you intuition to help you decide. For a co-worker you may want to choose a Pentacle. For a son or daughter, perhaps you would choose a Knight or Page. Don't second guess yourself. Just let your hand wander over the Court cards until you feel it is the correct choice.

Now, put those two cards in the center and place five cards in a semi circle around each one. The cards on the other person side represent how YOU think that person perceives you. The cards on your side represent your true thoughts and feelings about the other person.

Finally, take five more cards and place them underneath the rest of the cards. These cards represent the true relationship between the two of you. It is always interesting to see how each part of the reading differs from the others.

And, remember if you want more information, you can always add a few more cards to each section.

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This content was written by Linda J. Paul. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Linda J. Paul for details.