Homeschooling Newsletter


May 9 2006 Homeschooling Newsletter
Homeschooling Newsletter
Meg Grooms, Editor

May 9, 2006

-Dear Reader
-Featured Articles
-Visit our Forums
-Links of interest


Dear Reader,

Hello! I know it's been a while since I sent out a real newsletter! As usual, life happens! My already on the big side family is going to be larger with the addition of child #5 this fall :) I can hardly believe it myself! Having two young children certainly puts a damper on my homeschool expectations for my two older children. It seems that just when we get back into the groove another blessing comes along.

Due to the time constraints of homeschooling, managing a career from home, being a wife and homemaker and being a mother, I have devised a series of Mini-Lesson Plans. What is a MLP? Simply put, a MLP is a mini-unit study that can be completed in under an hour a day. MLPs are very flexible, you can spend a day or a week on them. You can devote 15 minutes a day or an hour. You can split the work up into shorter periods throughout the day. MLPs are geared to a general late elementary/early middle school age, however I include extra ideas for older children. If you are teaching younger children you can pretty much leave the lesson plan alone, helping them to read and write as necessary.

This week I am releasing my first MLP, a primer to healthy eating. I hope you enjoy the lesson plan and it's uncomplicated layout. Feedback is welcome!

If you don't hear from me over the next few weeks or see new articles it's because we're leaving warm Florida and starting a new life in what I hope is sunny and warm northern Georgia!



Featured Articles

Mini-Lesson Plan – Healthy Eating
This easy lesson plans gives you a starting point for talking about health, exercise and nutrition with your children.

A Schoolroom in Your House
This is a guest article by Susan Kramer about setting up a schoolroom in your home.

Homeschool Adventure – Boat Building
They built a boat. It floats, I´m impressed!

2006 Homeschool Conventions
It’s springtime and the homeschool convention schedule is in full gear!

Main Homeschooling Page and archives


Visit our Forums!

Want to meet other homeschooling parents?
Check out our homeschooling forum!


Links of Interest

Early Childhood –
Preschool –
School Reform –
Art Appreciation –
Attachment Parenting –
Education channel –



Thank you for reading this far ;)
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