Homeschooling Newsletter
Meg Grooms, editor
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July 9, 2007
Now that we've passed the "luckiest" day of the year (07/07/07), can you say you had a phenomenal day? I can say that I did! My eight month old son was hospitalized last week with viral meningitis and pneumonia, and as his luck would have it an ear infection rounded everything out! He was one sick little man. What a week, and to say the least updating my articles was not on the top of my to do list!
I consider 07/07/07 to be a very lucky day, Garrett was home and well on the way to recovery, thankfully with no lasting problems due to the swelling in his head. I apologize for the hiatus. Years ago if someone had told me that there really always was going to be something going on after I had children I wouldn't have listened. I had no idea what this whole parenting thing was going to involve, but I am glad I took the journey and I am glad I have my children at home with me to experience it full-time! Hooray for homeschooling and hooray for a now healthy baby!
Have you ever felt compelled to stop at a thrift store or a yard sale when you were on your way elsewhere? Was there a little voice in your head telling you just to stop by for a minute and check it out? Did you? I did, and I scored! No one loves a good deal as much as I do, my motto is "if it's free, it's for me, but used will due too." Buying used is a tool many homeschooling families use, buying everything from books and games to televisions and videos used. It goes beyond that, however. A second vehicle for taking the kids to classes and field trips was an essential purchase for us. Buying many used fish tanks and replicating habitats we otherwise wouldn't see is another of our favorite activities. Not only does buying used help save you money, it also saves additional stress on the environment in many ways.
After writing my article I realized that I forgot to list three of the best places to find used and free items! Freecycle (, Cheapcycle ( and Craigslist ( are perhaps the best resources around for people looking for a deal. When you must buy new check out Froogle (, a google-based website that compares prices on the same item in both local stores and online. Froogle also compares prices on used items sold online.
Happy bargain hunting, and of course, Happy Homeschooling!!
Sniffing Out a Homeschool Deal
Driving on the east side of Orlando, FL one day I saw a new not-for-profit thrift store. Since I was passing the store I decided to make a U-turn and check the store out. I was used to visiting my local Goodwill store, but that was nothing compared to this thrift store! I walked into the store and was greeted by what seemed like miles and miles of....books! In reality there were probably 10 floor-to-ceiling library-style rows of books, far more than I have ever seen in even the best of used book stores.
I browsed the aisles quickly, looking for a few trigger words on the binding, and I found exactly what I had been looking for. Rows and rows and rows of almost new, unmarked A Beka curriculum. Years worth, and several copies of each book, right in front of my face. Since we used A Beka at the time I was in heaven. I purchased two copies of every book I could find and for about $40 I went home with three years worth of a complete curriculum for two students.
Make a Book of Time
I never was able to find a pre-made timeline that worked for our family. I admit that I don't like the idea of hanging a timeline along a wall, purely for aesthetical and practical reasons. I grew tired of the toddler taking George Washington for a drive and constantly having to hunt down King George. I began to look at books of time, customizable pre-made books in which you enter historical information and characters. These books of time are nifty, but they also carry a hefty price tag. Ever on a quest to save money and encourage creativity, my children and I have forgone traditional time lines and expensive pre-made books of time in favor of creating our own. This is a fun project and seems to mean a little bit more to the kids than anything we could have purchased.
Homeschooling as a Job
Before I began homeschooling my children I knew of only two families who homeschooled. One was a family with three children, the other seven. Both families had incredibly successful and happy children. One family was involved in ministry; the other ran two successful businesses from home. When I began asking them for information about how to homeschool both mothers gave me the same piece of advice “treat homeschooling like a job.”
I was a bit repelled at the idea of treating homeschooling like a job; I saw homeschooling as more of a partnership between parents and children than I did a parent being the boss of the children. The mothers quickly explained their rationale and it began to make a lot of sense.
Great Summer Crafts for Kids
*Meg's note! If you purchase the plates in this article, please inform anyone who washes your dishes that these are NOT dishwasher safe! One of our plates ended up there by accident and the artwork was gone forever. Once the protective film the kids color on is gone, you're left with an expensive, plain white plate!*
Summer is the perfect time for your child to hone their crafty skills. Crafts are great for camps, birthday parties, rainy days and those times when sounds of “I’m bored” ring through the house. A review of three craft projects!
Our forum is a great way to meet new people, ask questions and give (and get) advice.
Our forum can be found here:
Recent topics include:
Where to Find the Best Deals
How to Start a Support Group
Treating Homeschooling Like a Job
There is always new conversation, so stop by and introduce yourself!
Are you looking for something new? Spend some time checking out these resources.
Studydog - - I am amazed that more people don't know about this cool site. For free or low cost, depending on your income, you can download a complete learn-to-read curriculum.
Aesop's Fables Study Plans -
Activities for Kids - keep them busy this summer!
Are you in the market for a book about homeschooling or perhaps some cool advocacy stickers or shirts?
Look no further than the BellaOnline Homeschooling Store, featuring our redesigned "Unsocialized Homeschooled Kid" items!
Thank you for reading this far!
I read all of my email, so please feel free to contact me.
Thanks and happy homeschooling always!