Homeschooling Newsletter


September 11 2006 Homeschooling Newsletter
Homeschooling Newsletter
Meg Grooms, Editor

September 11, 2006

-Dear Reader
-Featured Articles
-Site of the week
-Visit our Forums
-Links of interest
-Closing/Contact Me


Dear Reader,

Hello! Welcome to another homeschooling newsletter.

Have you ever read a passage in a book that really stuck out to you? Something that struck a chord enough that you copied it or perhaps highlighted it? Lately I've been contemplating the curriculum I purchased for the kids this year and how it's just not working. I'm not surprised we haven't managed to find a packaged program that has worked yet. I'm sure this isn't a situation unique to my family. As I was flipping through some of my resource books I came across some quotes that spoke to me. I've decided to share some of my favorites with you. I hope you find them enlightening and inspiring!

Thank you all for the well wishes for my bee stung 3 year old! She has fully recovered. As for the skeleton, so many people asked what it was. We are now fairly certain it was the hunting discards of a deer. There are signs that the meat was stripped away using a serrated knife. While the kids found no more of the deer they did find some jaw bones of what my husband believes was a ferral hog.

I hope this newsletter find you well and having fun in your homeschool journey!



Featured Articles

Homeschooling Inspiration
It´s the middle of September and home schools around the country are back in session. This is about the time parents start to realize that maybe they made an error in judgment and purchased the wrong curriculum.

Combating Homeschool Stereotypes
All of us confront stereotypes face-to-face every day. Perhaps the reason is our faith, our ethnicity, our lifestyle or our hobbies. At one time or another all homeschooling families have had to combat a stereotype, and there are many stereotypes about homeschooling.
*Note from Meg – this article was written in five parts. Please click “continue” on the bottom of each individual article page to keep reading! Thanks!

Book Review: The Mislabeled Child
In today´s world of ADHD escapism, learning disability over-diagnosis and medication-happy classroom environments, this book is a much needed and called for resource for frazzled and frustrated parents.

Mini-Lesson Plan : Healthy Eating
We all know there is a problem today with childhood obesity. In this day of stationary entertainment it is even more important that we all eat right and stay active. Starting can be scary, but this easy lesson plans gives you a starting point for talking about health, exercise and nutrition with your children.

Homeschool Art & Music
How can I incorporate more music and art into our homeschooling program?

Main Homeschooling Page, Forum and Article Archives



Are you looking for something online but you're not quite sure what?
Over the past year I've undertaken the task of organizing my bookmarks, so anything I saw online that looked neat had it's own place on my computer. The problem, my bookmarks kept erasing themselves with every computer update, a major nuisance.

I finally put them all up on Backflip, a really neat online tool.

So, whether you are looking for online educational games, lesson plans, free math programs or phonics programs (or anything else!) take a gander at my links and save yourself some search time.


Link of the newsletter!

How many times have your children run to you asking for the name of the bug they found?
Here is a handy tool to help you figure it out!


Visit our Forums!

Want to meet other homeschooling parents?
Check out our homeschooling forum! (at the bottom of the page!)


Links of Interest

Early Childhood –
Preschool –
School Reform –
Art Appreciation –
Attachment Parenting –
Education channel –



Thank you for reading this far ;)
Questions, comments, feedback?
Contact me here:


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