OnlineServices Newsletter

Online Services

May 8 2006 Online Services Newsletter

Here's the latest article from the Online Services site at

Create & Print Your Own Cookbook

Create your own personalized cookbook with "My Cookbook" Creater. This online program allows you include your own photos and personlized stories with your recipes. Create a cookbook for your friends and family or to add a personal flare to a special occassion.

Free Health, Money & Consumer Protection Information

Get your life in order with free publications that will help you improve your health, grow your wealth, plan for retirement and be a smart consumer.

107 Online Dictionary Listings

Looking for a dictionary? Here is a list of 107 free online dictionaries on a variety of specialized subjects, as well as standard dictionaries for spelling, definitions, synonyms, antonyms, rhyming and more.

Amazon Promotional Coupons & Offers - May

List of Amazon Promotional Coupon Code Offers for discounts, free products and free shipping.

----In The News----

New Anti-Spyware Tool

Exploit Prevention Labs have released a new anti-spy ware tool, SocketShield. Design to prevent drive-by-downloads which can occur when websites exploit weaknesses in Windows in order do download malicious software. I haven't had a chance to test drive this new software but it is something to keep an eye on for the future.

Internet Use Continues to Rise

Internet use among adults in the U.S. rose 6% to reach an all time high of 73 percent for the beginning of 2006.

-----Quote of the Month----

Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months. ~Clifford Stoll

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