Here's the latest article from the Sandwiches site at
Greetings from the Land of OZ!
We're having beautiful weather in Kansas today, if you like hot and steamy! The week's thunderstorms have wrapped up, and left plenty of moisture in the soil to give us humid conditions.
Crunchy Chicken Salad Wrap
With the heat of summer coming on, how about something cool for dinner? This lovely chicken salad should hit the spot. Filled with crunchy deliciousness,
the blend of chicken, low-fat condiments, spices, nuts, apples, celery and onion is a healthy mix of foods. It can be used for a light meal or snack. You might want to add some extra salt. You'll find that I don't salt foods as heavily as some cooks.
This salad is adaptable. Add green or red seedless grapes for more sweetness and color. Substitute chopped pears for the apples to give it a less assertive texture. Satisfy members of your family by serving the salad in various ways. Crunchy Chicken Salad is versatile, and it is delicious.
Please visit the Sandwiches Forum to talk about your sandwich experiences. Play the Sandwich Name Game. We have some wild fantasy sandwiches posted in that thread. Many of those made-up sandwiches sound good enough to eat!
I hope that your weekend is filled with activities that you find satisfying. Take some time to eat a good sandwich.
Until we meet again,
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Connie Mistler Davidson, Sandwiches Editor
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