Here's the latest article from the Women's Issues site at
The Royal Kumari of Nepal
From human to holy and back again. The last Hindu monarchy in the world is no more. Does the centuries old practice of Kumari have a place in the new democratic republic of Nepal and does the tradition violate the rights of the young girls chosen to receive the goddess?
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As of late the discussions range from religion in politics to the presidential election to the behavior of today's teens. It has been rather heated lately and if you enjoy lively debate, come join in! I hope to hear from you soon, either in the forum or in response to this email.
Please forward this message to family and friends if you enjoy the content and think they might as well. I apologize for the tardiness of the newsletter, it's been a little hectic this week! Until next time,
Ciao Bella!
Gina Cowley, Women's Issues Editor
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