astronomy Newsletter


November 5 2015 Astronomy Newsletter

Hi everybody

Here's the latest article from the Astronomy site at

Who Discovered Neptune
Neptune is the planet discovered mathematically and whose detection led to a heated rivalry between British and French astronomers. But who was the first person actually to see Neptune?

*International Space Station – 15 years*
As of November 2, the ISS has been inhabited for 15 years. Here is a NASA infographic: A 3D IMAX shows the early days. Some science centers still show it and it seems to be available on DVD and Blu Ray. More about it here:


(1) November 3, 1957: Laika was the first living creature to orbit Earth. “Who Let the Dogs out?” at tells her sad story and a few happier ones.

(2) November 5, 2013: India launched its first interplanetary mission, the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also known as Mangalyaan. It has been studying Mars in the company of several NASA spacecraft and the European craft Mars Express.

(3) November 6, 1572: Tycho Brahe recorded a "new star" in Cassiopeia. This dazzling Type Ia supernova was visible to the unaided eye – there were no telescopes then! – from early November 1572 into 1574. Although observed by a number of astronomers, Tycho's account was the most complete. It was one nail in the coffin of classical cosmology which maintained that the heavens were perfect and unchanging. And yet, here was a new star. Read more about the life of the brilliant and eccentric Tycho:


(1) Edmund Halley was born on November 8, 1656. His name is still known because of his analysis of the comet that bears his name. The comet was named for him when he correctly predicted its return. However Halley was one of the greatest minds of his time and was known for his expert contributions to many fields of science. He also had a fun-loving side and was a jolly drinking companion to the future czar of Russia. You can read more about Halley's life: and more about Halley's Comet here:

(2) Astronomer and great science communicator Carl Sagan was born on November 9, 1934. November 9th is now Carl Sagan Day and you can find out what's happening on the day here:

Please visit for even more great content about Astronomy.

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I wish you clear skies.

Mona Evans, Astronomy Editor

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