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Atheist / Agnostic

January 26 2008 Atheist / Agnostic Newsletter

The Atheist/ Agnostic Newsletter

Currently at BellaOnline

Winter’s a great time for skiing, sledding, skating, snowshoeing and other cold weather activities.

But, if you’re like me, winter can also be the season for some unintended weight gain.

Monica Neave, BellaOnline’s Exercise Editor has some great ways to avoid those extra pounds,

stay fit, and have fun at the same time. Take a look at the Health & Fitness/ Exercise site.

On the Internet

Don’t believe in God?” The question stands out clearly against the image of a blue sky,

along with the answer: “You are not alone!”

Visible to southbound drivers on the NJ Turnpike section of Interstate-95,

the new billboard display is part of a public outreach program by

In the A/A Forum

Hey, I got a response to my first post! First of all, I’d like to welcome choose2live to the site and

thank her for contributing her thoughts. She feels that my initial statement stereotypes

religious people and reveals my bigotry. Anyone else want to comment? Pile on? Stick up for me?

If you haven't signed up for the Forum, it's easy. Just go to Atheist/ Agnostic Forum Registration,

put in your birth date and you're nearly done.

This Week's A/A Article

Dinesh D'Souza is a best-selling author, an advocate for conservative politics, and a staunch supporter

of all things Christian.  In a 2006 USA Today article he claimed that modern science is based upon

Christian principles. In this week's article, Christian Science? , I explain why he's mistaken.


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