I may have mentioned once or twice that I'm interested in making the world a better place... :)
Well, changing the world requires courage because as a Bahá'í I have to begin with myself. There will be times when an en-couraging word or smile or hug can make all the difference in working towards my goals. And the most effective way to create change turns out NOT to be pointing out mistakes, but rather to recognize progress, no matter how small. At the end of the day, it will be more productive of change if I can learn to focus as much attention on what went well as where more work is needed. Boy is that a challenge!
Assuming that others may have similar experiences, here's the latest couple of articles from the Baha'i site at BellaOnline.com with some inspiration from the Bahá'í Writings:
The Duty to Be Encouraging
How often do we remember to encourage one another? No one is an island of strength, although religion promises assistance. Bahá'ís are trying to meet that duty head on.
How to Practice Encouragement
Encouraging others is a religious duty, but exactly how does one go about it without becoming discouraged?
Do visit bahai.bellaonline.com for more articles on ways to change the world through improved parenting, education, and tools for character building, plus links to the sacred texts of the Bahá'í Faith. You don't have to rely on only my understanding, when you can go straight to the source!
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback.
Cheryll Schuette, Baha'i Editor
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