bahai Newsletter


January 6 2014 Baha'i Newsletter

Hope everyone in the Midwest and eastern side of the US is bundled up and prepared for the cold today! It's a good time to stay indoors and catch up on your email, LOL, and read articles from Bella Online and other bookmarks.

The ego might make it difficult to admit you have no business important enough to risk frostbite, however. Or that you personally aren't up to the chore. Even going out to the mailbox can be dangerous in weather this cold. I certainly don't want to believe I couldn't do anything I want or used to do when I was young and virile!

So, Here's the latest article from the Baha'i site at Might provide a different perspective...

What You Resist Will Persist
When ego makes us ignore our needs, and even our pain, in order to impress others, it is a form of pride before God, a refusal to accept what we have been given to learn.

Do visit for more articles on parenting, education, and tools for character building, plus links to the sacred texts of the Bahá'í Faith. You don't have to rely on only my understanding, when you can go straight to the source!

Join free online discussions, view time sensitive announcements and check out interesting external links in the site forum located here -

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback.

Cheryll Schuette, Baha'i Editor

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