bahai Newsletter


October 23 2011 Baha'i Newsletter

Friends and I were recently discussing movies and television and whether there was any redeeming value left in entertainment these days (we are in the USA). Each of us had favorites, even though most of us no longer watch much TV, or even go to movies, since it is a waste of money if we can't hear as well as we used to!

The really interesting part of the conversation was defending our choices, LOL. What was it that we liked, and why? We all had favorites from childhood, too, and not all were ones we liked to watch with our parents. How many would we then be willing to watch with our own children?

It made me think about teachable moments and how we as parents help our children not only to appreciate the arts, but also to develop a value system that will help them be happy and successful adults. Here's the result of my thinking in the latest article from the Baha'i site at

Using Movies to Teach Good Stuff
Some movies you can enjoy with your kids, and then discuss later for that teachable moment

Please visit for more about life as a Baha'i, and check out the information links there for more about the Bahá'í Faith,.

I hope also that you will share some of your favorite movies and how they led to good family discussions in the online discussions at a community forum located here -

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Cheryll Schuette, Baha'i Editor

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