bahai Newsletter


December 4 2010 Baha'i Newsletter

Why should anyone be interested in a 'new' religion? Fourty some years ago, when I first became a Bahá'í, a lot of attention was paid to the social teachings of the Faith, because they were quite different from the norm then. Nowadays, many of these teachings, such as the need for equal education and opportunity for women, or the need for a common universal language, are considered obvious.

However, there are some specific theological differences between the Bahá'í Teachings and any of the previous chapters in what Bahá'ís believe is a single religious Book from a single God, with many chapters over time. This week's article from the Baha'i site at is a brief listing of those points.

What's Different about the Bahá'í Faith?
How are the Teachings of the Bahá'í Faith unique for this time in human history.

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message.

Cheryll Schuette, Baha'i Editor

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