I happened upon a report of the Spring Fashion lines this past week and was, as usual, shocked at both the ugliness and the extremes. There are nice clothing lines out there, but what catches media attention is the weird stuff masquerading as 'new' ideas, alas.
Much of it all reminded me of warnings from the Bahá'í writings about folly and immoderation. Can't find the exact quote from youth conference speakers in my distant past, but something along the lines of being careful not to become playthings of the misguided. (Rats! I'm sure I remember having a much better memory a while back...)
Here's what I found when looking for that quote, in the latest article from the Baha'i site at BellaOnline.com.
Does the Bahá'í Faith Have Dress Codes ?
Most religions use the manner of dress as a way to express both respect and piety, although over time, traditions can become extreme. The Bahá'í Faith does not specify dress for either men or women, except to caution against immoderation.
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Cheryll Schuette, Baha'i Editor
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