bahai Newsletter


June 16 2013 Baha'i Newsletter

Here's the latest article from the Baha'i site at, answering a reader question. As a teenager of the 1960s, I grew up in a world where idealistic strife was the norm and we expected change to happen quickly. Human rights of all kinds were worth pursuing, and frustration over reluctance or opposition could become the excuse for violent protest, even warfare.

I was not following any name brand religion at the time, however, because I just could not believe in a God that deliberately divided His/Her Creation into fighting camps. Further, I didn't even want to believe in a God who needed His creatures' help in achieving His Cause, especially when that involved doing things that were against basic moral teachings: "Thou shalt not kill.....except unbelievers?!"

Sorry, wasn't my thing then, or now. Fortunately, I found the Bahá'í Faith--whose teachings made sense of most issues that bothered me about life and other human beings--before my frustration became apathy and depression. I do admit to cranky days, however, because patience is not yet one of my better developed virtues....That's when it is best if I don't watch the world news, LOL.

Why Are There Religious Wars ?
The Bahá'í Faith maintains that there is only one God, and that core religious teachings are the same. But if that is true, why do people fight over perceived religious differences?

Please visit for more about the Baha'i Faith and what it's like to live a Bahá'í life -- at least, what it's like for me...

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback

Cheryll Schuette, Baha'i Editor

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