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Calamity to Me
A more personal take on how the Bahá'í Faith views calamities, and how one Bahá'í deals.
I've noticed that those crises and calamities that seem the worst in looking back on them are the ones I haven't really dealt with, yet. I first noticed this when telling a friend about something or other and she seemed much more shocked and upset about it than I was. That happened to be one of those times when I had reconciled the event over time and made sense of it.
So, I'm wondering if any of you share that perspective: if you've worked through the experience, it doesn't seem so terrible as it did at the time, or might seem to others, hearing about it. Any event that still really bothers you is one you haven't been able to reconcile. Maybe?
Let me know. I've been wrong or misinformed often enough that I'd like to consult before making a confirmed statement, LOL.
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Do consider passing this message along to family and friends, because the more folks involved in the discussion, the more rounded the ideas coming out of it!
Cheryll Schuette, Baha'i Editor
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