Here's the latest article from the Baha'i site at
The Value of Chastity
The word chastity is commonly used to refer only to sexual matters, but it encompasses much more of life. Really, in spite of what television and movies portray, most of life isn't about who's dating whom. Any eighth grade girl can tell you life is about what others are saying, about the gossip and lies and dissing that are considered the mainstays of daily middle school survival. Well, placement in the social hierarchy of teenagers is often based upon much more than sex, according to one of my grandchildren: it is whether one has the latest brand name clothing, has seen every episode of the current television fad (Twilight, in her case), how much make up one's mother allows, the number of tattoos a guy has succeeded in getting (it is illegal to tat anyone under 18 in California, even with parental permission) and a trillion other values that seem equally trivial to me (at my advanced age). Alas, it is not just the young who spend time and money and attention on superficial issues--even governments seem immune to moderation in words or action. Bahá'ís want to build a society where spiritual values are considered more important than material ones, and they believe Bahá'u'lláh has provided the blueprint from which mankind can do so.
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Cheryll Schuette, Baha'i Editor
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