Hello everyone!
Wow! This has been a long, HOT, summer and I am counting the days until fall (35 days, by the way). I've had the opportunity to review some exciting books that would be good to read by the pool, on the porch at night, or would make great additions to Christmas shopping lists (128 days until Christmas)!
***Indivisible, great for the fans of James Patterson
***Jordan's Crossing, a no-brainer for anyone who enjoys intrigue and adventure
***Lost Island Smugglers by Max Anderson, perfect for elementary-aged boys and
***Beyond The Dead Forest by Stever Groll for fans of Harry Potter-like stories
The opportunity to review a trilogy that promised to fill-in the gaps in Jesus' life and to humanize the view of the His life and suffering arose. I reviewed the books in three parts this week. Well written and engaging, they proved to be a little too humanized.
The doctrines used in the books presented a mixture of new age, gnostic and buddhist-like theories. My concern, when books such as this present themselves for review, is discernment. (But solid food is for the MATURE, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. ~~Hebrews 5:14)
The trilogy presents an opportunity for a series of articles discussing issues such as the Gospel of Thomas, gnosticism, heresy, The Jesus Seminar, etc. In-depth discussions of those issues; however, pertain more to a Christianity forum than to Christian Literature.
The links to the three articles, in order, are posted here:
The Spirit War Trilogy
Betrayal and Hope
What A Woven Web
Are there doctrinal areas you feel strongly about? Are there limitations on what an author should or shouldn't distort? Please join our forum discussion and share your views or, if you prefer, email me directly.
As always, keeping you in prayer...blessings!
Lyn Sedmina, Christian Literature Editor
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