Here's the latest article from the Cooking for Kids site at
Chicken and Dumplings Recipe
Chicken and Dumplings is comfort food at it's best. It's also a fun cooking activity to do with kids.
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Cooking For Kids Tip of the Week:
Here’s a quick change to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Cream Cheese and Jelly Sandwich
Toast two slices of bread.
Spread cream cheese on one piece of bread, and jelly on the other piece.
Combine for a tasty sandwich.
Serve with carrots, grapes, or other healthy snack items.
If you have a cooking tip or recipe to share in our weekly newsletter, please e-mail it to
Cooking For Kids Forum News:
Thanks to everyone who participated in our ABC game! This is a fun game where someone starts out with the letter A, and then has to name a food that begins with that letter. The next person takes the next letter in the alphabet, and so on.
For this past ABC game, the name of the food had to be something healthy. I must say, I think we all came up with some very creative food names!
We’ll be starting another ABC game this week, only this time, it will be all about sweets and treats. Don’t be afraid to join in!
Feel free to start a new topic anytime on the forum--you’ll find lots of friendly people a click away!
To check out the Cooking for Kids forum, visit:
Cooking for Kids Fun and Games:
We have two games on Cooking for Kids, Word Search and Word Scramble. Both games include words featured on the Cooking for Kids site! The games will be updated with new words so that you’re not having to use the same ones over and over.
Want to give it a try now? Head on over to the Fun and Games page at Cooking for kids:
I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Brandii Lacey, Cooking for Kids Editor
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