"Unforgiven" is a good example of what I mean when you can address a situation. There is a lot of concern in society today about violence and gun play and that film, even though it takes place in 1880, addresses that now. When you are a perpetrator of violence, and when you get involved in that sort of thing, you rob your soul as well as the person you are committing a violent act against.
-Actor/Director Clint Eastwood
"A Most Violent Year", directed by J.C. Chandor, also addresses the issue of violence in society and how an individual responds to it. It is interesting that both Chandor and Eastwood use period settings in order to explore a contemporary issue. "A Most Violent Year" is set in New York City in 1981.
Oscar Isaac, the lead actor, has a busy schedule for the next few years. He is cast as one of the characters in the new "Star Wars" trilogy, playing Resistance pilot Poe Dameron. "Episode VII - The Force Awakens" is scheduled for a December 2015 release, and "Episode VIII" is due out in 2017. Isaac is also part of "X-Men: Apocalypse", to be released in 2016. If you prefer to skip the big-budget blockbusters, check out Isaac acting alongside Viggo Mortensen in the suspense film "The Two Faces of January", out on DVD.
Here's the latest article from the Drama Movies site at BellaOnline.com.
A Most Violent Year Film Review
Abel Morales has a business that is under threat. His trucks are being hijacked and his employees are physically assaulted. Does he respond using the same violent tactics? "A Most Violent Year" is J.C. Chandor's third film as writer and director.
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