dreams Newsletter


August 5 2019 Dreams Newsletter

Have you ever dreamed about a baby? Dreaming about a baby doesn't necessarily predict the coming of a baby in waking life. When babies appear in dreams, they can represent new ideas or projects and even an aspect of the dreamer.

It is good to recall all of the dream symbols that appear along with this dream baby because context matters. And pay attention to the state of your dream baby! A screaming baby demands attention while a peacefully slumbering baby means something else entirely.

Here's the latest article from the Dreams site at BellaOnline.com.

Baby Babies Dream Symbol
When babies appear in dreams, they can represent anything from new life to new projects that you "birth" into this world. They also can depict a part of yourself. Read on for more.


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You can email me at dreams@bellaonline.com for a confidential dream interpretation, too.

Until later...

Live well. Sleep well. Dream happy.

Lori Chidori Phillips, Dreams Editor


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