Welcome to the Midsummer English Garden Newsletter.
English Gardens are at their best at this time of the year, with borders full of colour and scents. Although this year we have had massive amounts of rain! The roses have had all their petals washed away - only the weeds seem to be coping!
June English Gardening Tips
Keep an eye on your roses and with a pair of secateurs cut off any suckers – these are the fresh green long stalks that grow strongly from the very base of the roses.
Remember to dead head plants in order to keep them blooming as long as possible and feed plants in pots, containers and hanging baskets.
Now is a good time to prune your spring flowering shrubs which will prevent them becoming overgrown and straggly.
Don’t forget to water any newly planted shrubs or perennials in dry periods.
Dig up and divide bearded iris after they have finished flowering. When replanting them keep the fleshy root just at the soil surface.
Use these midsummer tips for keeping your lawns looking good
If the weather is really hot then please don't use your mower too much - give your grass a break but if you must cut it then don't cut it too short – let the little English daisies grow and blossom! - better to have the grass a bit longer and healthy than short and brown-looking!
Water your lawn well just once a week. The best time to water your lawn is in the early morning. Rake your lawn weekly to get rid of moss.
Enjoy your garden
Here's the latest article from the English Garden site at BellaOnline.com.
Tips on caring for an English Garden
Tips to save you work and care for your English Garden
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Hellie T., English Garden Editor
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