exoticpets Newsletter

Exotic Pets

October 29 2006 Exotic Pets Newsletter

Here are the latest articles from the Exotic Pets site at BellaOnline.com:

The 5 - Minute Veterinary Consult for Ferrets & Rabbits - Book Review
Have you ever taken your ferret or rabbit to the vet and later thought, “I should have asked him/her about this?” The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult for Ferrets and Rabbits is a handy reference that can answer some of those questions.


Loud Pets & Neighbors
Nuisance or trouble calls typically originate from neighbors. If someone does not know you have exotic animals, would they be alarmed if they were walking by your house and heard loud, strange sounds?


*****Coming Soon*****

I have been busy working on a new section for parents of children with exotic pets. It will feature books geared towards children and exotic pets. There will also be articles written specifically for parents.

As always I'll continue to try bringing you informative articles on specific animals, books of interest to exotic pet owners, pet products, and pet/human health-related items. If there is something you would like to read about, please let me know.

Don't forget to stop by the forum:


Holiday reminder - chocolate and pets DO NOT MIX! Please make sure your furry/feathered/scaled friends are not given chocolate treats by your trick-pr-treaters this Halloween.

Have a great week!

Denise Lacazette, Exotic Pets Editor

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