exoticpets Newsletter

Exotic Pets

February 14 2010 Exotic Pets Newsletter

Open your hearts to one another. Time is too short and too precious to waste. Happy Valentine's Day! It was kind of cool, my husband and my best friend, we both gave each other the exact same card, out of hundreds of cards from which to pick. I think that really says something about a relationship.

Enchanted with Exotic Pets and Wild Animals

Yesterday was the 15 year anniversary of my son’s passing. I can think of no better way to give my reverence than to perhaps bring one more person closer to nature and all her magnificence. I had worked with exotic pets for a good many years. In Minnesota I was introduced to wildlife rehabilitation.

Enchanted Exotic Pets Continued

Oh Little Children Don't Be Cruel

This is a story I wrote shortly after my fifteen-year old son had passed away. He had disabilities and I hope this story can help others like him. At least show the miracles of unconditional love. It is the anniversary of his death and this is something I needed to do. Off subject warning :)

The forum is doing well I would like to welcome our new members, skunkmom and Olly. I really love rats but I truly had no idea they are as popular as they are. We have literally hundreds of newsletter readers that have rats. As you all UNSHY I am getting a bit more information! Please get over to the forum and introduce yourself.

I hope I didn’t offend anyone with my story Oh Little Children Don't Be Cruel. It was the 15th anniversary of my son’s death and I was feeling pretty low. I like to share some of my life with you so that you can visualize me as a person who loves animals and not just someone behind a keyboard. I would like to get to know you as well. Please drop by the forum. We are a family, probably a more healthy and wholesome family than many!

Just tell us what pets you have and introduce yourself give everyone a chance to get to know each other. You can post as much as you want but at least stop and say hey:)

Skunk baby season is fast approaching. May I suggest Ruby Farms as a excellent breeding facility. Under breeders and sellers (subjects) http://www.bellaonline.com/subjects/840.asp you have about three months to get ready for your new infant!!

Please forward this to your friends and family, let’s have a forward party! Each person that forwards the newsletter add your name and pets at the bottom of the newsletter. I would love to see it eventually come back to me.
If you have suggestions on improving the newsletter or Exotic Pets BellaOnline please let me know!

If you need to buy something pet related anyway consider buying from my exotic pet shop http://www.bellaonline.com/subjects/1154.asp I would appreciate it:)
Diana Geiger, Exotic Pets Editor
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