exoticpets Newsletter

Exotic Pets

September 27 2010 Exotic Pets Newsletter

Fall has just fallen, hopefully not too hard. However, it is time to think about winter preparedness, especially concerning our sweet darling pets. It is our responsibility to take care of these animals, when we brought them home was the day we mentally signed that document that we would faithfully take good care of our pet. Frankly, there is more documentation for pets than to bring a human baby home. Though, in my mind it is comparable!

This week’s article is about Cold Weather Preparedness for your pet and exotic pet - including how to unfreeze an iguana; video included!

Keep in mind using safety precautions while using propane heaters and emergency generators! Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is how my 15-year old son died. Keep emergency generators outside. Make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector. Make sure there is plenty of ventilation around your propane heaters and you have a carbon monoxide detector (battery powered or electric with backup battery system – remember no electricity).

Cold Weather Preparedness

Please add your comments and questions here http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=100

As MANY of you have discovered I do answer email even Sunday night at midnight into the wee early hours. Please don’t depend on this. I would feel real bad if something should happen to your pet if I should happen to have the opportunity to go to sleep. I am also not a veterinarian and if you do have an emergency at whatever hour please contact your veterinarian. If it is a question I can answer – yes sure, if the laptop is curled up in bed with me while I don’t sleep I would be glad to answer your questions.

I truly enjoy hearing from you (I guess you really don’t hear anything in email, shows my age doesn’t it lol) Occasionally an email will hide from me, I carefully look before I delete anything, I will eventually find that lost email the gremlins hid between 18,000 spams, 200,000 facebook posts…..All this mumble jumble means, please don’t feel guilty emailing me, I am happy to receive your emails and equally happy to answer them.


One of hundreds of sites at BellaOnline.com – BellaOnline has MANY sensational subjects and editors. We work hard donating our time to bring you quality content. Please check out some of the other subjects you will be amazed at what you find…some really good stuff.

Our fall edition of our magazine Mused just came out, it is beautiful! This is a must see! http://www.bellaonline.com/ right on the top center. I believe this lighthouse is on the Oregon coast I am 99% sure we have been there.

Forward this newsletter to your friends and family so that they can subscribe too!

Diana Geiger, Exotic Pets Editor

Come join me on Facebook for exotic pet news, and come play Zoo, Farmville, and primarily Frontierville

Follow me, wherever I should go….join me at Twitter! http://twitter.com/petsbellaonline

Have a great week!

Amazon has a 24-hour cookie. So, if you follow my link today, and then decide to think about the purchase the link will expire in 24 hours. By all means think about your purchase but please go back through my link so that I get credit.

http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art64079.asp - My Exotic Pet Shop
http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art28380.asp - My Rodent Shop
http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art6973.asp - My Ferret Shop
http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art6334.asp - My Reptile, Amphibian, and Insect Shop
http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art65781.asp - My Bird Shop - Large Parrots
http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art66371.asp My ant shop

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