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Panama Canal and Culture
The Republic of Panama has a cultural diversity that is uniquely rich as a result of the continual procession of international visitors to one of the greatest engineering marvels of the world, the Panama Canal. Panamanians are known for their warm acceptance, tolerance and harmony.
Just a few of the many notable people from Panama include:
Mireya Elisa Moscoso Rodríguez de Arias Panama's first female president, serving from 1999 to 2004.
Princess Angela of Liechtenstein and her son, Prince Alfons the highest ranked black members of a reigning European dynasty.
Irving Jahir Saladino Aranda, Panamanian long jumper Panama's first and only Olympic gold medalist.
Alfonso Teofilo Brown aka “Panama Al Brown,” the boxer from Panama who made history as the first Hispanic world champion in boxing.
Carlos Fuentes, renowned novelist, essayist and major contributor to “The Latin Boom” in literature during the 1960s and 1970s.
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Valerie Aguilar, Hispanic Culture Editor
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