jobsearch Newsletter

Job Search

January 3 2013 Job Search Newsletter

Job Quest Success

Thought for the week:
Unemployment is hard, for your own sake and those you love, take good care of yourself in 2013 and always.


Today’s job search website:

Looking for a nonprofit? provides listings for hundreds of paid and volunteer positions in the nonprofit sector.


Tip of the week: If your 2012 job search campaign didn’t work, try to do at least one new thing in 2013


What’s going on around BellaOnline:

Need to let out some of that inner frustration? Exercising is a great way to do it. Check out the Exercise Site at BellaOnline.

Need some help with stress? Check out the Stress Management site at BellaOnline.


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Here are the latest articles from the Job Search site at

How to Send Interview Thank You Letters
With hundreds of applications and interviews, all candidates may start to look and sound alike. Looking for a way to stand out from the crowd? Learn how to send a proper thank-you letter.

How to Submit an Electronic Resume
The methods used to apply for jobs have changed. Most employers will now only accept electronic versions of your resume. Unfortunately, the special formatting and pretty fonts may appear different to employers on the other end. Here are tips on how to successfully submit an electronic resume.


Please visit for even more great content about Job Search.

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this newsletter along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Dianne Walker

Career Training Editor

Job Search Editor

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