lowcarb Newsletter

Low Carb

August 17 2016 Low Carb Newsletter

Hey there everyone! First up, the Mused deadline is nearly here! Get those photos, poems, short stories and other items in by Thu Aug 18th! Please share the news!


Drinking Water Key to Weight Loss
We all know how important it is to drink water when exercising. But do you realize even just sitting at a desk or on a couch you should be regularly drinking water as well?


Weight Loss Milestone Signs
If your goal is to lose some weight, I *highly* recommend getting yourself a weight milestone sign. It is quite amazing how much these free signs help you achieve your goals! Did I mention they're free? :)


Somehow I am up to 145.2 pounds. Well, I know why. I've been lazy and eating the rice with my salmon. Eating hummis with pita bread. All those things I shouldn't. And voila I gained weight! Time to crank it down again. Have you had that happen? It reminds us again why healthy eating is just so important. Our bodies need healthy food. We feed our bodies carbs and unhealthy things happen :).

Let me know how you're doing and how I can help!

You can also follow me here:

Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/bellaonlinelowcarb
Twitter - https://twitter.com/lisalowcarb
Forum - http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/forums/221/1/Low_Carb
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Finally, my medieval novel #14 is nearly ready to publish. I know a number of you enjoy reading those. I'd love some feedback on this novel before it goes live. If you'd like a free preview copy of the book please let me know! You can get more information on that series here -


Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Lisa Shea, Low Carb Editor

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